Sunday, October 6, 2019

Effects of diet and cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Effects of diet and cancer - Research Paper Example Secondly, fat consumption facilitates the production of bile that helps in the digestion of fat. Stagnation of bile in the large intestine in a large quantity for a long time results in its conversion to the apcholic acid that is known to be a carcinogen. The effect of diet on cancer is so profound that change of diet can even help one prevent cancer or provide the body with the tendency to fight the disease off in case one is a patient of cancer already. According to the results of numerous studies cited in the press release of the American Association for Cancer Research in the year 2006, girls who are regular consumers of soy not only have reduced risk of developing the breast cancer but also have increased tendency to overcome it (Perry, 2012). Likewise, the risk of colorectal cancer is reduced in men who consume fish at least five times in a week, and those who are already the patients of cancer can fight it off easily by making fish a regular part of their diet. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that are known by various names including phytochemicals and isoflavenes. Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is beneficial for people in general and the patients of cancer in particular because the antioxidants function to prevent the development of cancer cells in the body, hinder the spread of carcinogens and other cancer-causing agents to the organs and tissues, and also retard the growth of cancer cells. â€Å"Researcher Carolyn Clifford and her colleagues at the National Cancer Institute report that people who consume few plant foods and a lot of dietary fat have twice the risk of developing cancer as people who eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains but limited amounts of high-fat foods† (Perry, 2012). Food high in fiber is recommendable for the patients of cancer as well as others in general. High fiber diet reduces the risk of colorectal cancer because the fiber

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